Left of Bang: Preparing Financial Portfolios for Market Volatility

“Left of bang” is a readiness mindset used by U.S. Marines to better identify, prepare for, and take proactive action against negative “bang” incidents. It is valuable to use the left of bang mindset in the investment and financial planning world. Here are some financial portfolio protection planning techniques my team uses to minimize the financial impact of life’s negative events.

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International Stocks and Recency Bias

International stocks have not done well recently compared with U.S. stocks. Yet, as we contemplate excluding international stocks from our portfolios, we should be aware of our tendency to commit recency errors. Learn why it’s important to recognize recency bias, and how it can have a negative effect on financial portfolios.

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Money Matters: Why You Should Freeze Your Credit

In this month’s edition of “Money Matters,” Scott talks about one important and easy way to protect your financial accounts: freezing your credit. Freezing your credit with the three major credit bureaus is quick and easy. Listen to learn more about how you can freeze your credit in minutes.

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Money Matters: Rolling Over a 401k to an IRA

In this month’s edition of “Money Matters,” Scott talks about rolling over your 401k to an IRA, factors to consider in this decision, and how this decision can have positive and negative effects on your financial future depending on your situation. Listen to learn more about rolling over a 401k to an IRA.

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Big Financial Investment Questions During an Election Year

Current economic and political conditions are prompting clients to ask two big questions in recent days: Markets are so high; aren’t we “buying at the top”? and The election is coming up, so what’s going to happen with the markets? Scott breaks down the current financial investment market during an election year.

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Money Matters: Financial Success in a Volatile Stock Market

In this month’s edition of “Money Matters,” Scott talks about the recent volatility in the stock market and explains possible causes for the sudden market downturn, historical precedents, and financial strategies for successful long-term investors.

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Money Matters: The Key to Positive Returns During Election Years? Stay Invested

In this month’s edition of “Money Matters,” Scott talks about how presidential election years can initially have a negative effect on the stock market, but explains how the market tends to bounce back and the importance of staying invested during an election year.

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Money Matters: Total Return Investing Versus Income Portfolio

In this month’s edition of “Money Matters,” Scott talks about why it is important, particularly for retirees, to consider a total return investing approach, rather than only an income portfolio approach, in their financial management plan.

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Money Matters: Key Estate Planning Topics for Everyone

In this month’s edition of “Money Matters,” Scott talks about the importance of estate planning for everyone and why it’s crucial to have a solid estate plan defined and in writing. Listen to learn more about these key estate planning topics that everyone should have in place early in life.

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Money Matters: Protection Planning for Your Physical Residence

In this month’s edition of “Money Matters,” Scott talks about the the importance of protecting your home, including having adequate homeowners insurance and documenting your possessions in a video file, as well as tactics to protect your home from burglars.

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Money Matters: International Investing

In this month’s edition of “Money Matters,” Scott talks about the benefits of investing in international stocks and the importance of diversifying your financial portfolio to include international stocks.

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Money Matters: Is the 60/40 Investment Strategy Dead?

In this month’s edition of “Money Matters,” Scott discusses the 60/40 investment strategy, how this type of investment strategy has performed over time, and if the 60/40 investment strategy still offers a viable plan for financial investment success.

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New Planner Podcast: Scott Oeth & Creating a Successful RIA Model

Scott Oeth talks about his journey to becoming a financial advisor, from his early days in banking, to opening his own RIA business, and all the bear markets in between. Scott also talks about how his approach to his outdoor adventure business, Bull Moose Patrol, parallels his approach to his financial advising firm. Lastly, Scott offers tips for new advisors and financial professionals who want to transition to the RIA model.

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Lessons from Failure: Long Term Capital Management

In a recent client letter, Scott explains the importance of portfolio diversification and why it’s important to resist the urge to jump on the newest and hottest company stock without first evaluating your entire financial portfolio and financial goals.

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