Scott Oeth Wealth Management

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Be Prepared!

National Preparedness Month

Did you know there is a Bacon Day? Apple Tree Day? Jazz Appreciation Month? National Honey Month? The number and kinds of commemorative days, weeks, and months never ceases to amaze me.

One month that I think is important and wanted to call to your attention is National Preparedness Month. It's in September every year, but the idea behind it is something I think everyone should practice throughout the year.

Sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Preparedness Month encourages all Americans to take a look at strategies for keeping themselves, their households, and their communities prepared and safe during major emergency situations.

Financial and Physical Preparedness

As an Eagle Scout, I had the Boy Scout motto of "Be Prepared" drilled into my brain since I was 10-years-old. As I'm sure my family and friends will tell you, I try to incorporate that motto into my life—both personal and professional. While I work to ensure my clients are prepared to weather a financial emergency or market downturn—by taking steps such as having funds they can access in an emergency, adequate insurance coverage, and keeping their liabilities at a reasonable level—I also want to encourage people to be physically prepared for unforeseen emergencies.

From time to time, I've gotten some funny looks when I bring up emergency preparedness in new client financial plans, but I want my clients to be prepared for emergencies of all kinds, and I don't know who else is reminding them to check their fire extinguishers, stock their first aid kits, keep extra batteries and cash on hand, as well as more advanced steps.

I want you to increase your chances of weathering a bad situation. Here are a few websites with useful preparedness information. Please take a look and evaluate how prepared you and your family are for an emergency:

After some national weather emergencies, Newsweek interviewed me about the best ways to prepare for and handle cold weather emergencies.

One easy way to prepare for an emergency is to stock up on household goods. In my blog post, Four Financial Benefits of Stocking Up For an Emergency, I explain that in addition to the peace of mind you have knowing your house is well stocked with the food and supplies your family uses most, you can also take advantage of the financial benefits of buying supplies before an emergency strikes.

Popular Mechanics posted this article explaining other ways to stock your pantry for an emergency.

New York Times editors published what they believe is a list of the best emergency preparedness supplies to have on hand during an emergency.

As many of you know, I have an outdoor wilderness guiding business, Bull Moose Patrol, where I teach outdoor skills and guide outdoor trips. One of the food staples I love to make on our trips is bannock, a simple old time trail staple loaded with energy. Bannock is great on the trail, but it also provides a hearty bread alternative in an emergency. I explain more about bannock in this radio segment.

If you have any questions about how you can best prepare for an emergency—financial or otherwise—please feel free to contact me anytime